Tuesday, 24 January 2017


International Society for the Study of Vascular Anomalies (ISSVA)

ISSVA is a specialist society dedicated to studying and treating Vascular Anomalies. These are abnormally formed blood vessels from birth which are divided into two main groups: Vascular Tumors which are mainly Hemangiomas or Capillary Endothelial Tumors and Vascular Malformations, which are abnormally formed, dilated or connected structures of which the endothelium does not behave as tumors.

There are various forms of treatments for these lesions, including surgery, sclerotherapy and nowadays medical treatments.

Dr. William Mol is specialized in sclerotherapy using mainly absolute ethanol. Please consult our clinic if your child has such a lesion. Dr. William Mol received the ISSVA Odile Enjolras MD Travel award to attend the 2016 ISSVA conference in Buenos Aires, Argentina in April 2016.

Infantile Hemangiomas & Clinical Examination Guide

Click Here to Read More on Our Simple Clinical Tests (Physical Examination Technique) to Aid Diagnosis of Subcutaneous Tissue Level Masses that includes Vascular Anomalies (Latest Publication, towards the end): http://molwillie.blogspot.com/2009/12/publications-scientific-paperswrite-ups.html

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