Monday, 10 May 2010

Therapeutic Massage & Acupuncture

Therapeutic massage (massage as a form of treatment), may be used for treatment, rehabillitation & prevention of:

1. Muscle cramps & pains (myalgias)

2. Dysuse, muscule bulk wasting (Atrophy/Dystrophy/Degeneration)

3. Motor nerve disorders & lesions

4. Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in bed ridden patients

5. Stress, anxiety & depression

6. Transient blood pressure & heart rate lowering

There is no human body contact in our technique. We use a 'Transcutaneous Electric Nerve Stimulation (TENS)'. This machine works by the usage of 2 tiny batteries, to produce just enough current to stimulate the motor nerves, to induce muscle contraction. Therefore, there is no risk of electric shock.

Acupuncture is the Chinese art of inserting needles into predetermined points to control pain. Our needles are sterilized using the standard technique & our staff was trained in China.

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